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High hopes set for CCEDZ to attract more investment

en.nantong.gov.cn| March 4, 2021

The Chongchuan Economic Development Zone (CCEDZ) held a conference to arrange investment promotion tasks for 2021 on March 3, following a larger conference held earlier by Chongchuan district for attraction of business opportunities.

A commendation ceremony was held as part of the conference for those named 2020 advanced units of tax contribution, outstanding enterprises of high-quality development, advanced units of comprehensive assessment, and others.

Liu Hao, Party secretary of Chongchuan district congratulated them all on their results and stressed the focus of this year's investment promotion work for CCEDZ in his speech.

Liu said CCEDZ should show a broader vision and continuously pursue progress, comparing its current achievements to those of the past and of other advanced regions. CCEDZ should also increase efforts in support of leading industries such as information technology application innovation and the internet of vehicles as new growth points, enhance correlation between leading enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthen the complementarity of the industrial chain, and expand the driving effect of clusters.

Liu also underlined the importance of pushing forward projects. It should be guaranteed that every month has a number of projects beginning and every quarter has projects becoming operational. Service responsibilities for these projects should be fulfilled and work done concretely to realize targets and tasks.

In addition, it is necessary to establish a differentiated reward mechanism that provides greater incentives to those who have performed at a higher level in attracting investment so that they will be more motivated to work even more effectively. Liu also pointed out that CCEDZ should find ways to create differentiated and asymmetric competitive advantages in investment promotion and at the same time provide the best services to enterprises to help them expand.