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Chongchuan firms win provincial recognition for green development

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: November 16, 2023 L M S

Two enterprises from Chongchuan district in Nantong, Jiangsu province recently made the list of 2023 provincial-level leading enterprises for green development.

The two enterprises are CIMC Safeway Technologies Co Ltd and Baoshan Iron & Steel Nantong Wire Co Ltd.

CIMC, which was established in 2002, has maintained a market share of over 50 percent in China's energy, chemical and food equipment sectors for more than 10 consecutive years.

The company has invested about 100 million yuan ($13.8 million) in improving the process of painting tank containers by reducing the utilization of paint with volatile organic compounds.

Due to its efforts in boosting green development, the company has also been recognized as a demonstration enterprise for environmental protection.

Nantong Wire is a leading manufacturer of wire products in China. It is a level-two enterprise in safety production standardization in Jiangsu and has also been recognized as a provincial-level water-saving enterprise.

The initiative of developing leading green enterprises aims to encourage enterprises to step up efforts in energy reduction, cyclic utilization and reducing polluting emissions.


Tank containers belonging to CIMC Safeway Technologies Co Ltd. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

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