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Haimen works to boost e-commerce in rural areas


Updated: 2020-09-22

Haimen district in Nantong recently introduced a plan to promote the development of e-commerce in rural areas, according to officials from the district's commerce bureau.

The district aims to turn e-commerce into a new engine for rural revitalization and urbanization and create a distinct rural e-commerce model.

By 2021, the district plans to establish a relatively comprehensive public e-commerce service system including district, town, and village-level businesses.

A district-level public trade service center will be built to provide support related to technology, training, business incubation, product matchmaking, brand building, promotion, financing, and more.

Eleven town-level service stations and 150 village-level service stations (including distribution points) will also be set up, covering more than 60 percent of the district's administrative villages.

The district's human resource and commerce bureaus will cooperate with e-commerce giants and third-party training agencies to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of more than 5,000 people, including college graduates, migrant workers, and housewives, helping them find employment or start businesses.

The local government will also take advantage of local pillar industries such as home textiles, redwood products, and sporting equipment to develop a cross-border e-commerce center and a new-media live-streaming center to expand online sales channels.