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Self-service legal aid machine unveiled in Gangzha

Updated: 2019-05-09


A self-service legal aid machine at the 365 Second-Hand Car Market in Gangzha district, Nantong city. [Photo/ntgz.gov.cn]

Nantong's digital public legal aid platform recently introduced a self-service machine at the 365 Second-Hand Car Market in Gangzha district. The machine marks the launch of the public digital legal aid platform pilot project.

The public legal aid platform aims to improve public management through the use of big data, enhance the allocation of public legal resources, and promote legal awareness among ordinary people. 

The machine has four main functions, including providing legal assistance, law education, 24-hour services, and helping people find lawyers. It offers a special legal aid call function for illiterate seniors, allowing them to speak one-on-one with a lawyer and a legal aide capable of speaking Nantong dialects.