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Nantong NIO House opens in Gangzha

Updated: 2019-04-16

Chinese smart e-car company NIO opened its customer center, NIO House, in Gangzha district, Nantong city, East China's Jiangsu province, on April 13.

This is NIO's 15th multipurpose store in China. It covers a construction area of around 600 square meters and is divided into seven areas, including exhibition rooms, meeting rooms, and a café.

The Nantong NIO House is vital to the development of the intelligent driving industry in Gangzha district, said district head Cao Jinhai at the opening ceremony for the customer center.

Cao hoped that NIO would offer thoughtful services to locals and introduce more quality capital, advanced technology, and talents to Gangzha district.

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The Nantong NIO House opens in Gangzha district on April 13. [Photo/official WeChat account of Gangzha district government]

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A new car model is showcased at the Nantong NIO House, April 13. [Photo/official WeChat account of Gangzha district government]

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