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Gangzha historical sites get provincial protection

Updated: 2019-03-29

Two historical sites located in Gangzha district, Nantong have recently been included on a list of protected historical sites in Jiangsu province. 

The two are the former site of Dada Neihe Shipping Co and Tangzha Red Mansion, which both have architecture representative of modern China. 

The Dada Neihe Shipping Co was the first shipping company founded by Chinese entrepreneur and educator Zhang Jian in 1903. By the end of 1918, the company owned 35 ships and operated 10 routes. The relics include a two-story Western-style office building and a wharf. 

Built in 1919, the Western-style Tangzha Red Mansion was once a residence of Gao Anjiu, a shareholder in the Dasheng Cotton Mill built by Zhang Jian during the late Qing Dynasty (1368-1644). It's an important example of China's industrial heritage.


The former site of Dada Neihe Shipping Co is pictured on Beishi Street, Tangzha town, Gangzha district. [Photo/ntjoy.com]


Tangzha Red Mansion on Hedong Street, Tangzha town, in Gangzha district [Photo/ntjoy.com]