
New type of internet center promises big things in Lin-gang

en.lgxc.gov.cn| Updated: Dec 23, 2021 L M S

A new type of super-efficient internet exchange center came into operation on Dec 20 in the Lin-gang Special Area, Shanghai laying a solid foundation for a major boost to its innovative internet development.

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A new type of super-efficient internet exchange center is unveiled in the Lin-gang Special Area on Dec 20. [Photo/WeChat account: shlgguanweihui]

As the first of its kind in Shanghai, the internet exchange center is said to be able to help lower operating costs for resident businesses with internet access. It is said to be a centralized switching platform connecting different networks, which can realize "one-point access, multi-point connectivity".

As such, it functions like roadway overpasses and roundabouts on the information superhighway.

Aside from the new center in Lin-gang, there are only another three such super exchanges currently in China – situated in Hangzhou city in Zhejiang province, Zhongwei city in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region and in the Qianhai modern service industry cooperation zone in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, respectively.

An official from the Lin-gang Special Area Administration said that moving forwards, the innovation models for key industries in Lin-gang – such as high-end industrial manufacturing, high-frequency financial trading and internet plus – could all achieve superior business connections with the exchange center.

She said it would help energize the digital transformation and integrated development of Lin-gang.

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The operator of the center is announced on Dec 20 in the Lin-gang Special Area. [Photo/WeChat account: shlgguanweihui]

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The main shareholders of the internet exchange center and key support units sign a memorandum of strategic cooperation on Dec 20 in the Lin-gang Special Area. [Photo/WeChat account: shlgguanweihui]

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