
Lin-gang signs over 290 industrial projects in 2 years

en.lgxc.gov.cn| Updated: Aug 17, 2021 L M S

The Lin-gang Special Area in Shanghai held an opening event on Aug 16 to celebrate 31 projects which have just completed construction and started operating – reportedly showcasing the achievements of the area's second anniversary.

Since its establishment in August 2019, more than 290 industrial investment projects have signed up to move there, involving a total investment of about 350 billion yuan ($54 billion). Land transfers for 68 industrial projects were completed and investment for them reached 63.4 billion yuan.

The latest 31 projects completed included industrial and property carriers, scientific platforms, corporate headquarters, transportation and housing, schools and ecological parks.

Lin-gang first built a medical pilot demonstration area – the Lingang Life Science & Tech Park – and has formed an industry supply chain system for antibody drugs, immunotherapy, vaccines and other medical services.

More than 80 companies have located themselves there – with an investment of 50 billion yuan – and they are expected to achieve an output value of more than 1 billion yuan the current year.

Over the past two years, 1.8 million square meters of real estate has been developed – including the construction of factories, among other assets – and it is estimated that at least another 3 million sq m will be developed in the next two years.

The Shanghai intelligent manufacturing technology innovation platform and four other scientific platforms have settled in Lin-gang Sci-tech City. They moved there to develop generic technologies, provide think tank services, promote the incubation of research and scientific achievements and drive industrial development forwards.

Major nuclear equipment manufacturer Shanghai Electric Nuclear Power Group, advanced chemicals products manufacturer Techstorm and other companies have set up headquarters in Lin-gang, further promoting it as a corporate headquarters hub.

In the past two years, the total mileage of municipal transportation projects that began construction in Lin-gang has been 95 kilometers of new roads, with a total investment of 17.1 billion yuan. Of that, 63 km of new roads has been completed. In addition, the completion of the reconstruction project of Shengang Avenue (West Suitanghe Road - Hucheng Ring Road) has reportedly greatly improved the external transportation efficiency of the main urban area.

Nine public schools have been built and opened in the Lin-gang Special Area in the two years. The Shuyuan Kindergarten and Phase II of the Sino-French Institute of Art and Design Management of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts also completed construction recently. Plans are for more elementary education schools to be built during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25).

A total of 200,000 sq m of newly opened commercial area was added in the two years and more than 250,000 sq m of commercial area is under construction. By the end of 14th Five-Year Plan period, total commercial area in Lin-gang is expected to reach 1 million sq m.

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A Lin-gang Special Area Administration official presents certificates to company representatives, to commemorate the completion of industry-city integration projects. [Photo/WeChat account: shlgguanweihui]

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