
Video: Lin-gang Special Area to promote development of service sector

en.lgxc.gov.cn| Updated: Jul 21, 2020 L M S


Lin-gang Special Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone announced guidelines to further promote the development of the area's service sector on May 9.

The guidelines are the first to be released for the service sector since the establishment of Lin-gang Special Area last year. They aim to promote the balanced development of secondary and tertiary industries.

The guidelines focus on six fields – new-type international trade, cross-border finance, high-level shipping, professional services, information services, and business, cultural, sports and travel services. The area will be divided into four agglomeration areas, including a modern service industry cluster area for cross-border finance and new type of international trade, professional services cluster, high-end shipping services cluster and international modern urban life service industry cluster.
