
Lin-gang Special Area signs three projects worth 7.9b yuan

en.lgxc.gov.cn| Updated: Apr 30, 2020 L M S

Three major industrial projects involving artificial intelligence, integrated circuits and the new generation of information technology were signed into effect in Lin-gang Special Area on April 29, with a total investment of 7.9 billion yuan ($1.12 billion).

Range Technology Development Co Ltd will establish the Range Technology Yangtze River Delta (Lin-gang) head office, which will focus on new-generation information technology, specifically information technology services, network information security and AI. The company will develop innovative applications and services using digital technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the internet of things, industrial internet, and block chain.

Zhu Zhisong, executive deputy director of the Lin-gang Special Area Administration, welcomed Range Technology. He pointed out that AI, integrated circuits and new-generation information technology are all key industries in the area, and pledged to provide the best services for the company.


Lin-gang Special Area signs three projects worth 7.9b yuan on April 29. [Photo/WeChat account: shlgguanweihui]

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