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Jinpu launches new shopping complex Yihe City

Updated: July 19, 2024


[Photo/Li Chunyi]

On April 30, Yihe City, a state-of-the-art commercial complex, officially opened in Jinpu New Area, Dalian. As the first one-stop experiential shopping mall in the core business district on Jinma Road, it sets a new standard for the modern service industry in the region.

With a substantial investment of 750 million yuan ($103.20 million), the shopping complex spans 107,000 square meters and features nearly 300 domestic and international brands. The mall offers a wide range of services, including retail, entertainment, leisure, and family activities.

Notable attractions include Jinpu's first outdoor naked-eye 3D large screen and an internet celebrity block with 60 merchants and five themed areas, designed to appeal to the younger generation.

Ansheng Group, a leading commercial enterprise in Jinpu, has been a major player in the area for over 20 years. Renowned for its diverse operations in warehousing, supermarkets, logistics, business hotels, and shopping malls, the group's Yihe City in Jinpu marks its sixth commercial project in Dalian, further solidifying its presence in the local market.