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Jinpu leads industrial production in Dalian

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: July 1, 2022


[Photo by Piao Feng for chinadaily.com.cn]

Jinpu New Area took the lead in Dalian's industrial production in the first five months of this year.

From January to May, a total of 841 projects, each with more than 100 million yuan investment, were launched or resumed in the city of Dalian, bringing total investment to 954.02 billion yuan ($142.34 billion). The project number increased 34.1 percent year on year while the total investment increased 20.4 percent.

Among those 841 projects, 277 are in Jinpu, the largest in the city. Fifty-four are newly launched projects, also the largest in the city.

Jinpu is also making great efforts to attract domestic investment in Dalian. From January to May, Jinpu attracted domestic investment of 16.73 billion yuan. There are 156 wholly domestic-funded projects during the period. Fifty-four of them are projects with over 100 million yuan investment.

Jinpu New Area has attracted large amounts of foreign investment as well. From January to May, its actual foreign investment reached $124 million, There are 17 wholly foreign-funded projects during the period. Eleven of  them are projects with over 100 million yuan investment.