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Dalian goes to Beijing to woo investors

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: March 1, 2022


[Photo by Shao Kai for chinadaily.com.cn]

The Jinpu New Area went to Beijing to woo investors and signed 19 projects in 2 days.

On Feb 25, the Jinpu New Area held a signing ceremony for its economic and trade cooperation projects for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Jinpu signed contracts with 18 enterprises with a total investment of more than 20 billion yuan ($3.14 billion).

On Feb 26, Dingdu Group and the Jinpu-based Management Committee of Jinshitan National Tourism Resort signed a strategic cooperation agreement on a series of tourism projects including Jinzhou Ancient City and Jinshiwan Fishing Port Town. The planned investment of Jinzhou Ancient City project reaches 5 billion yuan.

The signed projects cover a wide range of fields, including high-end manufacturing projects such as equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, and electronic information, as well as modern service projects such as financial investment, medical and health care, trade and logistics, cultural tourism, and e-commerce. There are many urban development projects as well.