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Taixing city to stay competitive through major projects

etaizhou.gov.cn|Updated: February 20, 2024

Taixing city – administered by Taizhou in East China's Jiangsu province – will vigorously promote its industrial development and continue to tackle challenges for major projects in 2024, thereby cultivating regional competitive advantages.

That's according to a series of priorities recently put together by Taixing's government departments.

Under the first priority, the city will seek to attract major projects worth over 5 billion yuan ($694.6 million) each. Moreover, Taixing will aim to break ground on more than 100 new projects worth over 100 million yuan each throughout the course of the year.

Second on the priorities list will be progressing its opening-up. Taixing will pay close attention to the flow of foreign capital, highlight its attractions to investors in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, as well as deepen cooperation with international business and commercial institutions.

Thirdly, it will take the path of integrated development. Taixing plans to seize the opportunities springing from major transportation infrastructure construction, integrating higher quality into the metropolitan area and urban agglomeration – as well as increase the acceptance of technology, capital and talent-intensive projects.

A fourth priority is to develop an industrial park. Taixing will regard the productive service industry as the core link of advanced manufacturing and new industrialization configuration.

It will also build tool platforms for research and development designs, small-scale and pilot tests, inspections and testing, as well as accounting and legal affairs.

A fifth priority will involve the city gathering resources for development. Adhering to the principle that these follow projects, Taixing will establish a municipal reserve for them, formulate land development plans and deepen land consolidation. As a result, it will achieve integrated supply and coordinated allocation.

Finally, the city will move to create a better business environment. Taixing will offer more support to projects, including 21 Phase II projects that are currently in progress.


The big picture: Taixing is on the move to stay competitive. [Photo/WeChat account: txfabu]

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