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Baotou street concerts cheer on marathon runners

Updated: 2024-06-12

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A street concert is held outside the Baotou Museum. [Photo/WeChat account of Baotou Daily]

To cheer on the runners participating in the 2024 Baotou Marathon on June 9, several street concerts lit up various spots across Baotou on the evening of June 9, including outside the Baotou Museum, the Baotou First Workers' Cultural Palace, and Saikhantal Urban Grassland.

That day, the Baotou Museum extended its hours until 8:30 pm, with a street concert taking place right outside. The concert kicked off with classic rock music, sparking a chorus from the crowd. The energetic music and lively interactions drew an increasing number of people to join the fun.

"I am participating in the full marathon tomorrow. I love running and I love this city. Both the concert and the marathon bring people together for a citywide celebration, making Baotou more vibrant and making me feel happy to live here," said Zhao Zhifeng, a resident.

Yang Yi, a half-marathon runner from East China's Fujian province, enjoyed the live music as well. She tried some local delicacies like shaomai before the marathon. "The meat in the shaomai was very tasty. I also enjoyed the street concert at the Baotou First Workers' Cultural Palace - the atmosphere was lively. I will do my best in the race," she said.

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Another street concert attracts a large crowd. [Photo/WeChat account of Baotou Daily]