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Baotou supports cross-provincial medical reimbursement for work-related injuries

Updated: 2024-03-27

Starting from April 1, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region will launch a one-year pilot project focusing on cross-provincial medical reimbursement for work-related injury insurance in several cities, including Baotou city.

The pilot project relies on China's cross-provincial medical settlement information system for work-related injury insurance.

By presenting their social security card, personnel from pilot cities get reimbursed for medical expenses for work-related injuries that were incurred in other provinces, as well as hospitalization rehabilitation expenses and auxiliary equipment allocation expenses.

Employees meeting the following two conditions are eligible to apply for direct reimbursement.

The first condition is for Inner Mongolian autonomous region employees to be covered by work-related injury insurance, and have worked in another province for six months or more.

The second condition is if local medical technology and equipment are insufficient for diagnosis and treatment, then the covered local employee can apply for a referral to an out-of-province hospital.

It is worth noting that before seeking medical treatment in another province, employees with work-related injuries must undergo review and registration with a local medical institution in the insured area.