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List of Designated Hospitals for 2019-nCoV Treatment in Inner Mongolia (as of February 3, 2020)


In Hinggan League

The Third People's Hospital of Hinggan League兴安盟第三人民医院

Tel: 0482-2776010

Address: The east of the Chengbei Road Vocational and Technical College in Ulaanhot

The People's Hospital of Hinggan League兴安盟人民医院

Tel: 0482-8499880

Address: Hanshan West Street, Ulaanhot

The People's Hospital of Ulaanhot乌兰浩特人民医院

Tel: 0482-8328011

Address: No 2, Wuyi South Road, Ulaanhot


The People's Hospital of Horqin Right Wing Front Banner科尔沁右翼前旗人民医院

Tel: 0482-8286035

Address: north of the Zasaktu West Street, Horqin Right Wing Front Banner


The People's Hospital of Jalaid Banner 扎赉特旗人民医院

Tel: 0482-6130339

Address: No 103, Second Block, Shenshan Street, Jalaid Banner 


The People's Hospital of Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner科尔沁右翼中旗人民医院

Tel: 0482-4910073

Address: Interaction of the Barenzhelimu Avenue and Harinula, Horqin Right Wing Middle Banner


The People's Hospital of Tuquan County突泉县人民医院

Tel: 0482-5177873

Address: Xin'an Street, Tuquan town, Tuquan county


The Arxan Municipal Hospital阿尔山市医院

Tel: 0482-7121120

Address: Yiershi Community, Arxan


In Tongliao

Tongliao Infectious Disease Hospital通辽市传染病医院

Tel: 15648537560

Address: No 617, Nantongxing Road, Horqin district, Tongliao


Tongliao Municipal Hospital通辽市医院

Tel: 0475-8278820

Address: No 668, Horqin Avenue, Horqin district, Tongliao


The Second Tongliao Municipal Hospital通辽市第二人民医院

Tel: 0475-8839120

Address: No 4, Kundulun Avenue, Horqin district, Tongliao


The Hospital Affiliated to Inner Mongolia University For Nationalities内蒙古民族大学附属医院

Tel: 0475-8287777

Address: No 1742, Huolinhe Avenue, Tongliao


The First People's Hospital of Horqin District科尔沁区第一人民医院

Tel: 0475-2897222

Address: No 328, Horqin Avenue, Horqin district, Tongliao


The People's Hospital of Horqin Left Wing Rear Banner科尔沁左翼后旗人民医院

Tel: 0475-5212298

Address: Tiedong section of the Daqinggou Street, Ganqika town, Horqin Left Wing Rear Banner


The People's Hospital of Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner 科尔沁左翼中旗人民医院

Tel: 0475-3210120

Address: Horqin Avenue, Baokang town, Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner 


Kailu County Hospital开鲁县医院

Tel: 0475-2362295

Address: No 15, Minzu Road, Kailu town


Hospital:The People's Hospital of Naiman Banner 奈曼旗人民医院

Tel: 0475-4212762

Address: Interaction of the Laohahe Avenue and Tuchengzi Road, Daqintala town, Naiman Banner


The People's Hospital of Jaruug Banner 扎鲁特旗人民医院


Address: East section of Taishan Road, Lubei Town, Jaruug Banner 


The People's Hospital of Huuliin Gol 霍林郭勒市人民医院

Tel: 0475-7933120

Address: No 1, Meilin Aobao Avenue, Hedong New Zone, Huuliin Gol city


Hospital: Huree Banner Hospital库伦旗医院

Tel: 0475-6378589

Address: East of the Xincheng West Road and Jingguan Avenue, Huree Banner


In Chifeng

Hospital:Chifeng Infectious Diseases Prevention and Treatment Center赤峰市传染病防治院


Address: No 51, Hongshan Sandao East Street, Chifeng


The Second Hospital of Chifeng赤峰市第二医院


Address: Middle section of Changqing Street, Hongshan district, Chifeng


Chifeng Songshan Hospital赤峰松山医院


Address: No 70, Songshan Avenue, Songshan district, Chifeng


Chifeng Baoshan Hospital赤峰宝山医院


Address: Middle section of Yinghe Street, Pingzhuang town, Baoshan district, Chifeng


Ar Horqin Banner Hospital阿鲁科尔沁旗医院


Address: No 2, Tianyuan Avenue, Tianshan town, Ar Horqin Banner, Chifeng


Baarin Left Banner Hospital巴林左旗医院


Address: South side of the west section of Qidan Avenue, Lindong town, Baarin Left Banner


Baarin Left Banner Hospital巴林右旗医院


Address: East side of Balin Road, Daban town, Baarin Left Banner


People's Hospital of Hexigten Banner克什克腾旗人民医院

Tel: 0476-5236005

Address: the north section of Yingchang Road, Jingpeng town, Chifeng city


Linxi County Hospital林西县医院

Tel: 0476-5320812(daytime)/0476-5555639(nighttime)

Address: Xinglin Road, East Avenue, Linxi county, Chifeng city


Ongniud Banner Hospital翁牛特旗医院

Tel: 13015298992

Address: the middle section of Xinhua Street, Wudan Town, Ongniud Banner, Chifeng city


Harqin Banner Hospital喀喇沁旗医院

Tel: 0476-3752378

Address: No 185, Jinshan Avenue, Harqin Banner, Chifeng city


Ningcheng County Central Hospital宁城县中心医院

Tel: 0476-4250569

Address: the middle section of Zhongjing Street, Tianyi town, Ningcheng county, Chifeng city


Aohan Banner Hospital敖汉旗医院

Tel: 0476-4300000

Address: No 89 Xinxi Street, Xinhui town, Aohan Banner, Chifeng city


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