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Hainan University motto

Updated: 2022-03-21

The motto of Hainan University: All rivers run into sea, all efforts aim for the highest ideals.

All rivers run into sea means: First, Hainan University is inclusive. All its specialties and disciplines are well developed. Second, Hainan University warmly welcomes talents from all over the world. Third, Hainan University is good at cultivating talents. With a sound environment for growth, Hainan University cultivates students into the top levels.

All efforts aim for the highest ideals means: First, Hainan University pays attention to the rules of conduct. It insists that all the teachers and students should exemplify the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and adhere to the core values of patriotism, devotion, integrity and friendliness, cultivate moral character, manage family affairs well and rejuvenate the country. Second, Hainan University pays attention to the rules for teachers. It insists that all the teachers should have lofty moral character, broad academic vision, profound professional knowledge and scientific teaching methods. Thirdly, Hainan University pays attention to the rules for study. It insists that all students should persistently look for the truth and be practical. They should bravely face competition and forge ahead with determination.