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Nature Methods publishes HNU's optical tomography research

Updated: 2021-03-03

Nature Methods published the latest research results of Luo Qingming, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Hainan University, on high-definition imaging using line-illumination modulation microscopy on March 1.

Optical microscopes are an important tool for biomedical research at submicron resolution and how to use them to observe the complex structure of three-dimensional biological tissue is a universally acknowledged difficulty.


Illustration of Luo Qingming's thesis High-definition imaging using line-illumination modulation microscopy.

Luo's team proposed a new high-definition, high-throughput optical tomography method: line-illumination microscopy. It can record signals modulated by different intensities through multi-line detection at one time. A clear focal plane optical tomography image can be obtained via the simplest linear calculation to remove out-of-focus background signals.

Based on this, Luo's team further developed the high-definition fluorescent micro-optical sectioning tomography. It brings the definition of whole-brain optical imaging to a new level, while addressing the large-scale acquisition and analysis of whole-brain high-resolution datasets.  


Luo's interview with Nature Methods.