Home> International Exchanges

SAF program

Updated: 2019-06-17

Program Description: Study Abroad Foundation (SAF), as a overseas study foundation, is an official intercollegiate partner of Hainan University. SAF covers more than 130 high-level institutions in 13 countries. The "Study Abroad Program" is an intercollegiate exchange program of our university. The SAF Study Abroad Program provides students with opportunities to study at nearly 60 top universities in the world, including Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of California at Berkeley, UCLA, the University of Minnesota, Oxford University, and University College London for one semester or one academic year. During the exchange study period, students will be treated as registered students, and will obtain official transcripts from the university where they studied after finishing all the courses. Credits for relevant courses taken by students during their studies at overseas institutions can be converted according to university regulations.