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Development goals

Updated: 2019-06-14

By 2020, the comprehensive strength of the school will be significantly improved. The tropical agriculture disciplines will become first-class disciplines; 2-3 will be ranked among the top 1% in ESI ranking or the top 20% in the national discipline assessment; 5-8 disciplines will be ranked in the top 50% in the national discipline assessment.

By 2030, the school will become a top university in China. The tropical agriculture disciplines will become first-class disciplines; 3-5 disciplines will be ranked the top 1% in ESI ranking or the top 20% in the national discipline assessment; 8-10 disciplines will be ranked the top 50% in the national discipline assessment.

By the middle of this century, the comprehensive strength and school-running level of the school will be close to that of the world's top universities. The tropical agriculture disciplines will become first-class disciplines; 8-10 disciplines will be ranked the top 1% in ESI ranking or the top 20% in the national discipline assessment; 10-15 disciplines will be ranked the top 50% in the national discipline assessment.