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SJTU Hainan International Medical Center to be built in Boao Hope City

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2021-12-20

On Dec 17, Hainan Provincial Department of Education, Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Administration and Shanghai Jiaotong University's (SJTU) School of Medicine signed a cooperation agreement to jointly build the SJTU Hainan International Medical Center in Lecheng, also known as "Boao Hope City."

The SJTU Hainan International Medical Center is a major project that serves Hainan Free Trade Port construction and promotes the implementation of the cooperation agreement between Shanghai and Hainan. It is of great importance for the quality improvement of talents, as well as for the development of Hainan FTP's medical and health undertakings.

In the future, the three sides will give full play to the policy advantages of the Hainan Free Trade Port and Lecheng's medical industry resource advantages as well as cooperatively carry out educational and technological innovation in the fields of basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health and One Health.

Gu Gang, director of the Hainan Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Administration, said that the project is an important phased achievement for the reform and development process of Lecheng.

Fan Xianqun, vice president of SJTU and dean of the School of Medicine, said that they will strive to build the Hainan International Medical Center into a high-level, international, and exemplary medical institute.


The cooperation agreement signing ceremony to jointly build the SJTU Hainan International Medical Center in Boao Hope City on Dec 17. [Photo/WeChat account: InvestHainan]