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Multinational manufacturers eye deeper ties with Boao medical tourism zone

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2020-02-27

Multinational pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers have been concerned about the resumption of Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone and have sent letters to seek enhanced cooperation with the Hainan innovative green city project.

According to the management bureau of the zone, letters from 11 world-renowned pharmaceutical equipment manufactures, including Pfizer, Canon, Mylicon, Astellas, Boston Scientific, Orix, Sanofi Pasteur, and Merck, have expressed their confidence in taking part in the development of both the Lecheng pilot zone and the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone, as well as their willingness to resume work in Lecheng as soon as possible. 

"We have full confidence in the development of the Lecheng pilot zone, so we are seeking opportunities to cooperate. We hope to develop multi-dimensional cooperation with the zone, introduce more therapeutic products, and provide more choices for treatment programs," said Li Jinhui, general manager of the oncology and rare disease business of Pfizer China.


Johnson & Johnson and Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone jointly launched the "Johnson & Johnson Boao Innovation Chain" in Boao, South China's Hainan province, on Dec 7, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

Li added that there are already a number of new drugs ready to enter Lecheng pilot zone, and preparations are underway in accordance with relevant procedures.

Gu Gang, head of the management bureau for the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, said that it is a great encouragement for Lecheng that a number of multinational pharmaceutical machinery companies have expressed their support during the critical period of promoting the resumption of production. Gu added that the overall goal of Lecheng's work throughout the year remains unaffected and that the epidemic has further boosted their confidence in the construction of a pilot free trade port, as well as strengthened their determination to keep up with global advanced levels.