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Intl fruit & vegetable expo underway in Hainan

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-06-29

The iFresh Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Expo 2018, which opened in Haikou, a holiday resort city in Hainan province, on June 29, is anticipated to enhance exchanges and cooperation among global participants and promote green development.

More than 500 domestic and overseas exhibitors will be on hand to display their fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as their planting technologies, at a 13,000-square-meter zone (1.3 hectares) at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center.

According to the organizer, 20 percent of those exhibitors hail from 17 overseas countries, including Peru, Egypt, Australia, Ecuador, Thailand and Malaysia. They will display their distinctive products seeking expansion of cooperation and sales in the Chinese mainland market.

Experts and enterprise representatives will avail themselves of this opportunity to exchange views on planting technology and industrial innovation.

In addition, a model contest will be held on June 30 to offer participants a charming diversion while they enjoy various delicious fruits at the three-day fair that will conclude on July 1.

The event will boost technical communication and cooperation between Asian countries, push forward the healthy development of the international fruit and vegetable industry, and display the host city's excellent products and innovative technologies through the whole industrial chain, according to insiders.


The iFresh Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Expo 2018 and 2nd Hainan International Hi-tech Industry and Innovation Expo open in Haikou, Hainan province on June 29. [Photo/qy.comnews.cn]

Another highlight on opening day was the opening of the second Hainan International Hi-tech Industry and Innovation Expo, which provides a good platform to showcase the latest technological achievements in the fields of information technology, smart healthcare and energy technology.

Three hundred enterprises from home and abroad, including Gree Electric Appliances, China Mobile and China Telecom, as well as research institutes, are attending the event and will facilitate the construction of a regional innovation system with Hainan characteristics.