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Sanya builds South China seed breeding 'Silicon Valley'

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-06-28

Sanya, a major location of the National South China Seed Breeding Base, is embracing new chances for development as the local agricultural authorities have decided to cultivate a "Silicon Valley" of seed breeding to serve the whole nation, Hainan Daily reported.

The National South China Seed Breeding Base will cover 6,666 hectares while another 1,000 hectares will be open as a core area for scientific research. The seed breeding "Silicon Valley", to be built with advanced standards, will combine scientific research, production, sales, scientific and technological achievement transformation and exchanges, with a prime goal to guarantee national food security.

Sanya will also strongly support the construction of a science and technology town for South China seed breeding, State key laboratories and collaborative innovation centers for South China seed breeding.

The Sanya agricultural department will introduce social investment and talented individuals to help promote construction of National South China Seed Breeding Base, according to the report.

The plan also includes launching more scientific service platforms and more local breeding enterprises and training of international talent personnel.

Well-established enterprises are encouraged to settle in Sanya, and international cooperation will be carried out.

Sanya's brand activities such as China (Sanya) International Rice Forum and Hainan International Fruit and Vegetable Expo will be promoted to gain more influence.

The South China seed breeding intellectual property trading center will be built by 2020, and more enterprises and scientific research centers will be set up in the city by 2020.

Sanya will improve the management and service mechanisms, and support the integration of scientific and technological resources to create a better environment for business and scientific research in seed breeding.