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Hainan sees more tourists in 1st month of new visa-free policy

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-06-01


Overseas tourists enter the arrival lobby in an orderly manner.  [Photo by Yuan Chen/hinews.cn]

Hainan saw 24,263 inbound visitors in the first month of its new visa-free entry policy implemented on May 1, an increase of 8 percent year-on-year.

According to the Exit-entry Administration Bureau of the Public Security Department of Hainan Province, 19,115 overseas tourists entered Hainan from Sanya, accounting for 79 percent of the total number arriving in Hainan; the remaining 21 percent entered at Haikou, the provincial capital.

The numbers of tourists from Russia, South Korea, Indonesia and Kazakhstan were the highest among 59 countries and regions. 

To reduce the time of customs clearance, the State Immigration Administration allowed airports in Hainan to cancel the filling-in of entry forms, which saved about 30 minutes of customs examination time for a single flight.

Since May 1, the number of countries allowed to enjoy the visa-free policy has grown from 26 to 59, and includes major tourist source countries such as Russia, the UK, France, Germany, Norway, the US, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan and Singapore. Individuals can stay in Hainan for a period of 30 days without a tour group.


China Immigration Inspection staffers check the identities of foreign tourists. [Photo by Yuan Chen/hinews.cn]