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Production resumed in Xiuwen county in orderly manner

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2020-02-12

Xiuwen county in Guiyang, capital city of Southwest China's Guizhou province, reported that 19 of its enterprises above a designated size had returned to normal work and production as of Feb 10, with many others ready to resume output.

The term a company above a designated size is a statistical phrase referring to those whose annual revenue is 20 million ($2.89 million) or more.

Thanks to Xiuwen's efforts to support the restoration of production in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, production lines resumed normal operations at the Guizhou Guang Zheng Pharma Co.

In the production workshop, workers wearing face masks are now busy packing drugs in short supply in the market -- such as traditional Chinese medicine Banlangen granules and drops used for relieving stuffy noses.

Following instructions given by the county Party committee and the county government, the company strictly implemented control and prevention measures.

It registered all personnel entering and exiting the company and conducted temperature measurements and sterilization and disinfection of the factory area. It provided off-peak dining in the canteen, as well as protective materials storage and logistics support. To date, 106 of its 118 employees have returned to work.

According to Ruan Guoyong, vice president of the production sector, the company has increased output of products including Banlangen, cough liquid and drugs for treating pediatric pneumonia.

Ruan said these will come off the production lines quickly, in order to meet the demand for clinical medication.

Since the virus outbreak, Xiuwen has continuously strengthened its response system and reinforced coordination, helping meet the requirements for raw materials and facilities needed for production by various companies.

Striving to perform the dual task of epidemic prevention and control and economic development, Xiuwen has comprehensively implemented grid management and organized enterprises to start restoring production in batches.

Only those fully prepared and considered safe, according to established standards, were given the green light to restart operations.


Production lines are busy at Guizhou Guang Zheng Pharma. [Photo/gog.cn]

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