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Xiuwen to take three steps for rural industrial revolution

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2020-01-10

The city of Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province held a work conference on rural work and poverty alleviation on Jan 9, mapping out plans for Xiuwen county's rural and poverty alleviation work in 2020.

Xiuwen will focus on three major tasks to win the battle against poverty on schedule and create prosperity for its people.

First, Xiuwen will continue to consolidate its achievements in poverty alleviation, by pushing ahead with partner assistance programs, encouraging the participation of social forces and setting up a long-term mechanism for poverty relief.

It will carry out poverty alleviation programs that will be backed by industry, which will cover employment, finance and the environment, among other things.

Meanwhile, the county will also work hard to guarantee the registered poor's food and clothing, safe drinking, compulsory education, basic health care and safe housing. It will increase publicity about the program and enforce government policies, in order to improve public awareness and support.

It will also deepen the restructuring of its rural industries. Efforts will be made to reduce 34,100 mu (2,273.33 hectares) of crops with high cost but low yields, for example. It will, among other things, focus on fruit production and processing, building dams and irrigation systems.

In addition, it will also improve the quality and yields of 7,000 mu of kiwi fruit plantations, double down on the construction and operation of a 4,000 mu high-quality vegetable base, establish a 13,000 mu plantation for fruit and herbal teas and 2,500 mu of high-standard farmland.

The county will promote its rural e-commerce businesses, raise and control the quality of its agricultural products and ensure that over 70 percent of its rural collective earn 100,000-yuan ($14,661.47) profit or more annually from the collective economy.

Efforts will be made to drive its overall rural revitalization, improve transport infrastructure, renovate 90 kilometers or so of roads and undertake water supply renovation projects.

The decentralized water supply system will be optimized to improve water supply for 44,100 rural residents, enhancing water quality for 8,000 residents.

The county will implement 173 power grid projects, install over 10 internet base stations, construct 10 demonstration villages for the rural living environment, renovate the courtyards of 1,000 houses and work on 15 sewage treatment projects.

The comprehensive utilization ratio of livestock excrement, processing rate of household-garbage collection and community coverage of public toilets is expected to reach more than 75 percent, 90 percent and 90 percent, respectively.

Finally, measures will also be launched to reduce the usage of pesticides and fertilizers and control the burning of crop stalks.

Guiyang China © The Guiyang Municipal People's Government. All Rights Reserved.
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