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International Special Agricultural Products Fair concluded

Updated: 2019-10-02


Opening ceremony of International Agricultural Products Fair [Photo/Guiyang Daily]

The 5-day International Special Agricultural Products Fair 2019 Guiyang China was concluded on Sept 29, attracting 398,000 visitors and 902 exhibitors and achieving a total contract amount of 3.259 billion yuan.

This fair's exhibits covered more than 30 varieties and over 10000 products, including 25 domestic varieties encompassing 8000 products and 5 overseas varieties incorporating 2000 products, generating a sales volume of 239 million yuan. It attracted 317 purchasers and saw the signing of 49 contracts worth a total of 3.259 billion yuan. The investment promotion meeting signed 11 cooperation projects with the contract values amounting to 763 million yuan. 

The fair displayed the achievements of poverty alleviation in Guizhou, aiming to serve as a platform to connect farmers and agricultural product dealers in order to better sell Guizhou products. 

The fair also released a catalogue of characteristic and high quality agricultural products from Guizhou province.

Guiyang China © The Guiyang Municipal People's Government. All Rights Reserved.
Presented by China Daily.