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Huangpu Marathon set to start on Dec 22

Updated : 2024-12-19

On Dec 22, the first-ever Huangpu Marathon is set to kick off, with runners from around the world coming together to explore Huangpu.


Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_ce3bb2268796]

The starting point of the event is set at Green Axis Square, the heart of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, showcasing the district's green ecological system and serving as the grand opening location for the marathon.

Along the way, participants will pass by landmarks such as the Science City Innovation Building, and Fazhan Park.

Zhitai Square will host the "Singing Night Market", offering food, music, and other popular activities.


Guangzhou Aviation Tire Science Center. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_ce3bb2268796]

The route also features attractions like Ganzhu Mountain Park, and Guangzhou Aviation Tire Science Center, showcasing the district's technological charm and innovative vitality.

Modern urban landmarks on Knowledge Avenue like the Maritime Silk Knowledge Center showcase the vibrancy of Guangzhou Knowledge City.

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Maritime Silk Knowledge Center. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_ce3bb2268796]

The finish line is set at the Jiulong Lake Park, also located in Guangzhou Knowledge City. The park's lake is surrounded by grassy slopes and greenways, providing runners with the opportunity to rest and enjoy the sunset.

The Huangpu Marathon will allow participants to appreciate the rich and diverse natural landscapes of Huangpu and the district's developmental vitality, creating an unforgettable running experience.

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