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Major updates unveiled on Guangzhou Metro expansion plans

Updated : 2024-06-17

According to the news from the Shunde sub-bureau of the Foshan natural resources bureau, the "Partial Adjustment of the Controlling Detailed Planning of the Ronggui West Industrial Zone in Shunde district" is currently undergoing pre-approval public notification, which involves Guangzhou Metro Lines 17 and 33.

Line 17 is expected to connect Foshan's Shunde district and Guangzhou's Panyu, Huangpu and Zengcheng districts, as well as the urban rail systems of Guangzhou and Foshan, in support of Guangzhou's eastward development strategy.

Furthermore, Line 4, currently a double-track line, will be upgraded to a high-speed metro line and extended to Nansha Hub, connecting Nansha Central Zone, Qingsheng, the southern area, with the Pazhou Internet Innovation Cluster, Lianhua Bay, and the Guangzhou Knowledge City. A 30-minute rapid connection between Huangpu and Nansha is expected.

The construction plans for the eastern extension of Guangzhou Metro Line 8 (Wanshengwei to Lianhua) will be released this month. This line will connect the three major clusters of Panyu, Huangpu, and Haizhu, linking various planned key development areas such as the Pazhou Middle East Area, Huangpu Central Zone, and Changzhou Island area, and integrating with the Guangzhou-Huizhou Intercity Rail and the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen Intercity Pazhou Branch Line.

Additionally, the approved Guangzhou North Second Ring Road expansion project will optimize the road network structure in the core areas of the Pearl River Delta, including Huangpu, Tianhe, and Baiyun districts.

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