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Foreign officials experience high-speed railway technology in Guangxi

By Zhang Li (

Updated: 2024-05-24

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Foreign officials experience Chinese high-speed railway technology at Liuzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College on Wednesday in Liuzhou, South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. [Photo by Jiang Jiabin for]

In recent years, the Liuzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College has organized connectivity projects between China and countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.

The college has admitted five batches of Thai students and three batches of Laotian students, contributing to the development of international railway professionals for projects like the China-Laos Railway and the China-Thailand Railway.

Luo Xiaofang, deputy principal of the college, stated that the seminar has provided a broad platform for mutual learning and exchange, offering all participants an opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of Chinese railways and vocational education development in China.

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