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Efficient terminal expands Qinzhou's global shipping network to 393 ports


Updated: 2023-10-09

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The Beibu Gulf Port Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal, China's first sea-rail intermodal container terminal featuring advanced technologies and minimal manpower, has expanded the global shipping connections of Qinzhou Port area to 393 ports in 119 countries and regions.

Located in Qinzhou Port of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone, this automated terminal utilizes advanced technology to carry out automated loading and unloading of goods. The terminal's staff need only to tap their fingers in the office to complete the loading and unloading of tens of thousands of metric tons of cargo.

The efficiency and throughput capacity of the automated terminal play a decisive role in the smooth operation of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. Since it began operating one year ago, the terminal has repeatedly broken efficiency records and improved its operational capacity.

As a result, more and more shipping companies and customers are choosing to transfer and handle their cargo at the terminal.

In June this year, the walls between the terminal and the Qinzhou (Railway Container) Central Station Freight Yard were removed. This allows containers to be loaded onto trains as soon as they are discharged from ships.

The development of the automated terminal has attracted more industries to the area. To date, the Qinzhou Port has opened navigation routes to 393 ports in 119 countries and regions around the world.


A view of the busy Beibu Gulf Port Qinzhou Automated Container Terminal. [Photo/ WeChat account: gh_df8bc987e060]