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Leading industries in Zhoushan

Updated : 2025-02-14



Modern Fishery

To keep its annual fishery production capacity at about 1.5 million tons, and to build the first national deep-sea fishing base approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Zhoushan needs to be able to process 500,000 tons of pelagic fishing products on a yearly basis.

Zhoushan will speed up construction of a specialized ocean-going fishing port, a modern ocean-going seafood trading center, and a cold-chain logistics area. It will also accelerate the development of supporting services, such as cold-chain logistics, fishing boat replenishment and repair, financial insurance, and labor management.

Aquatic Product Deep-processing

The goal is to expand deep-processing of aquatic products, strengthen the field of leisure food, and encourage enterprises to get reorganized and integrated and complement each other’s advantages.

Marine Electronic Information

In this area Zhoushan should focus on building an important smart marine application demonstration base and marine electronic information industrial base, as well as a National marine data center, and establish a marine data comprehensive service platform and an application platform. It should also plan and construct a big marine data industrial park and marine electronics industrial park, and focus on fostering big marine data, marine satellite communications, vessel electronics, and ocean exploration instruments and equipment. 

Modern Aviation Industry

Zhou needs to accelerate the construction of an Aviation Industrial Park, promote the settlement and construction of major aviation projects, and speed up the development of relevant extended industries, such as aeronautic equipment and components manufacturing. It should also make efforts to develop comprehensive general aviation industries, including operation services and crew training and maintenance of helicopters, executive aircraft and seaplanes.

Marine Tourism

Zhoushan has the opportunity to become an international ecological leisure and sea garden city with a good marine tourist industry, developed tourism-relevant businesses and an extended tourism industry chain. It should create a comprehensive approach to tourism.

Port Trade and Logistics

On the basis of construction of an international logistics hub and a Zhoushan River- Sea interconnected Transport Service Center, Zhoushan will accelerate the development of port trade and the logistics industry, promote transit shipping, storage and transportation, distribution, and trade of bulk commodities and containers, and propel various service industries related to ports and shipping.

Green Petrochemicals

Relying on large-scale integrated petrochemical refining projects, Zhoushan has adopted a base development mode with unified planning and closely linked upstream & downstream oil industries to build a world-class environmentally-friendly petrochemical base. It supports clustered industry and a mixed economy. Zhoushan will also take advantage of integrated petrochemical refining projects to drive intensive development of middle and lower reaches of the petrochemical industry, extend the industrial chain, promote value chains, and develop hi-tech new materials and fine chemical engineering industrial clusters.

Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Equipment

Zhoushan prioritizes research and manufacture of green energy saving ships, hi-tech ships with added value, as well as marine engineering equipment. The city will promote development of the ship-supporting industry and establish a high and mid-grade trading platform for it. With the development direction of intelligent manufacturing and “Internet +”, it will foster and develop ship industries concerning research and design, financial leasing, ship information and supply chains, to forge a “smart ship industry” bearing Zhoushan’s characteristics.


The city also intends to develop high-end equipment manufacturing, the health industry, marine bio-pharmaceuticals, new energy and other emerging industries. To develop the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, Zhoushan will foster the port-surrounding equipment manufacturing industry, including large port machinery, power equipment, underground cables, rail transit, marine environmental protection devices and sea water desalination equipment.
