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Celebrities in Zhoushan

Updated : 2024-02-21

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Jin Anjun (1964-- ), previously engaged in research in materials and physics at the University of Minnesota in the United States, but returned to China in 2011 as an overseas high-level talent. Since his return, Jin has made remarkable achievements in new energy science and technology research, talent cultivation, as well as the country's international scientific exchanges and cooperation. In 2021, he was listed among the first group of 53 academicians of the Academy of the United Nations Sciences and Technology Organization.



Sanmao was the pen name of Echo Chen Ping, a Chinese writer and translator from Taiwan. Her works range from autobiographical writing, travel writing, and reflective novels to translations of Spanish-language comic strips.

The ancestral residence of Sanmao was built by her grandfather in Chen village, Dinghai district, Zhoushan during the Republic of China period (1912-1949).


Qiao Shi(1924--2015)

Zhoushan is hometown of Qiao Shi, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress (1993—1998).


An Zijie (1912—2000)

Dinghai district is the ancestral home of An Zijie, the Vice Chairman of the 8th and 9th CPPCC National Committee. An was born in Shanghai on June 26, 1912.


Ding Guangxun(1915—2012) was a native of Zhoushan. Ding was the Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee (1989—1997).


Tung Chee-hwa (1937- ), a native of Zhoushan.Tund is the Vice Chairman of the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th CPPCC National Committee.
