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COVID-19 rules for Spring Festival Travel in various locations (As of Feb 3, 2021)

Updated : 2021-02-10 (

To Wuhan, Hubei province

For non-focus groups who travel to Hubei's urban areas from low-risk areas outside the province, and non-focus groups traveling to rural areas from a place in the province: a green health code.

For people from low-risk areas outside Hubei province returning to rural areas or focus groups traveling across provinces and cities: a negative nucleic acid test report conducted within 7 days, a 14-day home health monitoring during which two nucleic acid tests are required on the 7th and 14th days.

For people from medium or high-risk areas: a 14-day isolated observation or home health monitoring until they have been outside the local area for 14 days, during which two nucleic acid tests and one antibody test are required; those who have been outside the area for more than 14 days should have health monitoring in the community, during which one nucleic acid test and one antibody test are required.

*According to Hubei provincial command office of COVID-19 prevention and control, focus groups include medical staff and employees of fever clinics and designated hospitals, people engaged in port quarantine, border inspection and having direct contact with imported goods, employees of venues for isolated observation, people engaged in loading and unloading, handling and transport of imported cold chain goods, employees of supervision venues, welfare institutions and nursing institutions for the aged, people working at farmer's markets and on public transportation.

To Changsha, Hunan province

People from low-risk areas outside Hunan province, the cities or prefectures where a medium or high-risk area is located and those engaged in high-risk work in Hunan province: a negative nucleic acid test report conducted within 7 days, a 14-day home health monitoring during which a nucleic acid test is required every 7 days.

From medium-risk areas: people for whom it is absolutely necessary to enter Changsha must obtain approval from the local epidemic prevention and control department and hold a negative nucleic acid test report conducted within 72 hours; people unable to provide a report should immediately take a nucleic acid test and stay isolated until the result is issued.

From high-risk areas: a 14-day isolated observation, two nucleic acid tests.

To Guangzhou, Guangdong province

From medium-risk areas: a negative nucleic acid test report conducted within 7 days, report to their village committee or company or the hotel within 12 hours , a 14-day home health monitoring or isolated observation when the conditions for home observation can't be met during which two nucleic acid tests are required on the first and 14th days.

From high-risk areas or areas under closed management: a negative nucleic acid test report conducted within 7 days, a 14-day isolated observation and medical observation at their own expense during which three nucleic acid tests are required on the first, 7th and 14th days.

For people from outside Guangdong province and people engaged in high-risk work returning to Guangzhou's rural areas: a negative nucleic acid test report conducted within 7 days, a 14-day home health monitoring during which a nucleic acid test is required every 7 days.

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