Proposal to pilot land reform in selected counties or townships in major administrative regions before wider application

Updated: 2020-03-09

Year: at the second session of the 1st CPPCC National Committee held in 1950

Proposal No: 0010

Proposers: CPPCC National Committee members Li Jishen, Zhang Lan, Shen Junru, Huang Yanpei, Ma Yinchu and Chen Shutong



This proposal is about land reform, which will be carried out in several provinces after the autumn harvest this year. As each location has its own particularities, we suggest that the reform be piloted in selected counties, districts and villages before being extended province-wide. For example, several selected counties, districts or villages in southern Anhui province, northern Anhui province, southern Jiangsu province, northern Jiangsu province and Hunan province could serve as pilot demonstration areas for the rest of the province. This would create the following benefits: 

1. The experts and specialists involved will gather in these selected places, which means a concentrated pool of high-level expertise and guidance will be formed in each pilot area. We suggest that more new cadres be involved in this process to give them more hands-on experience. 

2. We will learn more about how North China and South China differ and the specific conditions in different provinces, counties and townships.

3. These areas can serve as a demonstration of land reform, which will help reduce the feelings of uncertainty in regions yet to begin reform. 

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