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Remarks by Chairman Luo Zhaohui on the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd High-level Conference of Forum on Global Action For Shared Development

CIDCA| Updated: 2024-07-13

Remarks by Chairman Luo Zhaohui

on the Opening Ceremony of the 2nd

High-level Conference of Forum on Global Action For Shared Development

(Beijing Friendship Hotel, July 12, 2024)

Your Excellency, Mr. Wang Yi, Member of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs of PRC,

Your Excellency, Mr. Charlot Salwai, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen, 

It's my great honor to welcome you all to take part in today's Forum, on behalf of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA). 

What reasons bring us together today, what messages we want to convey to the world? I think it should be 3 key words, Development, Action, and Unity, DAU. 

Development. We know that Development is the master key to address all the problems. Development should be the highest priority. The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the largest development consensus by UN family. President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI). GDI focuses on shared development and accelerates the SDGs. Blueprints have already been there. 

Action. UN is in action for the Summit of Future, which is on the way following last year's review of SDGs. China is in action too. One year ago, same place and same time, the first GDI Forum was held with participation of more than 150 countries and international and regional organizations. Within just one year, we have made tremendous progress, including implementing more than 500 projects.

Unity. We should be united as one to take joint efforts for the implementation of GDI and SDGs. UN should be a driving force, Global South and the North countries should work together. NGOs, think tanks, international and regional organizations, private and public sectors also should be on same page. 

I really think these 3 key words should be strong and clear messages the Forum conveys to the world. 


Life is short. How to take advantage of our short lives to make the world better? This is a question worthy of thinking and rethinking by all of us. SDGs and GDI must be realized. Joint action must be taken. No country or people should be left behind. 


I would like to take this opportunity to express my warmest gratitude to the high-level representatives from relevant countries, UN agencies, public and private sectors, social organizations, think tanks and universities, for your active engagement. Of course, I would like to thank the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their full support to this Forum. Meanwhile, I am grateful to the leaders of local governments of China for their attendance. 

My special thanks go to H.E. Foreign Minister Wang Yi for taking time out of his busy schedule to attend this Forum. Now, let's welcome him to deliver a keynote speech with a big applause.

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