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CIDCA chairman meets with Maldivian minister of economic development and trade

CIDCA| Updated: 2024-06-28

Meeting with the Maldives' Minister of Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed in Beijing on June 27, Chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) Luo Zhaohui stressed China's desire to expand cooperation between the two countries in the maritime economy.


Luo welcomed Saeed on his second visit to China and acknowledged the rapid development of bilateral relations and fruitful cooperation under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries. China is ready to work with the Maldives to jointly implement the consensus reached between the leaders, proactively advance the implementation of the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and continuously elevate the level of the China-Maldives comprehensive strategic partnership, he added.

Saeed thanked China for its long-term support for the socioeconomic development and improvement of people's livelihoods in the Maldives. He pledged close cooperation with the Chinese side on both GDI implementation and Belt and Road cooperation, adding that his country would strive for more results in bilateral development cooperation.

Vice-Chairman of the CIDCA Zhao Fengtao, Director-General of the agency's First Department of Regional Affairs Shou Hailong, Acting Director-General of the CIDCA's Department of International Cooperation Li Ming and Maldivian Ambassador to China Fazeel Najeeb also attended the meeting. 


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