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CIDCA chairman meets with Chinese ambassador-designate to South Africa

CIDCA| Updated: 2024-06-06

On May 15, 2024, Chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) Luo Zhaohui met with Chinese Ambassador-Designate to South Africa Wu Peng.


Luo introduced China's assistance and cooperation work in South Africa. Noting that South Africa is a major African country and an important cooperative partner of China, Luo said that cooperation in the field of development assistance is an important part of China-South Africa relations. He raised his hope that the Chinese embassy in South Africa will continue to work closely with the South African side to accelerate the progress of such projects as technical assistance for the feasibility research of small ports and demonstration villages on poverty reduction, actively participate in cooperation under the framework of the Global Development Initiative, and push for new progress in bilateral relations.

Wu thanked the CIDCA in attaching great importance to and supporting the assistance work to South Africa. He pledged to step up efforts under the CIDCA's guidance to push for more results in the pragmatic cooperation between the two sides. 

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