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Elevate global development to a higher level

CIDCA| Updated: 2023-07-20


Participants hold discussions on the topic of "Global Public Goods at a Critical Juncture: Refocusing on Poverty Reduction and Food Security" at the first parallel session of the first high-level conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development held on July 10, 2023.

Development is an eternal theme for human society. At present, the world is faced with sluggish economic recovery and widening North-South development gap,  which poses challenges to the global development agenda. The Global Development Initiative (GDI), which calls for a new stage of balanced, coordinated and inclusive global development and the building of a global community with a shared future for development, has become a major driving force to support developing countries in resuming economic and social development and achieving the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

UN Under-Secretary-General Li Junhua:GDI ensures "leaving no one behind”

The timely-proposed GDI is conducive to achieving the SDGs. The Forum on Global Action for Shared Development will not only propel the implementation of the GDI, but also inject new impetus into achieving the SDGs. The UN has lauded China’s active efforts in synergizing the GDI with the SDGs, and believes that the initiative will ensure the goal of “leaving no one behind” is to be achieved by the international community. 

President of the BRICS New Development Bank, former president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff: Building a road for global common development and prosperity

The development and progress of the global economy must be built on an equal and healthy foundation. And its development outcomes must be shared by all countries, not just a few.

It is estimated that there is still a huge funding gap to achieve the SDGs. Without enough funding, neither the sustainable development, nor the climate change response will be achieved. This requires the international community to pool more resources to promote the reform of the international economic system and financial structure, as well as the effective allocation of global liquidity factors.

To better address global risks and challenges, it is necessary to strengthen the role of existing international institutions and multilateral platforms and make them more effective and resilient. Multilateral financial institutions, such as the New Development Bank, and international cooperation platforms, such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), are of great significance in building a more balanced and inclusive multipolar order and paving the way for common global development and prosperity. 

First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Nikolai Snopkov: Working in unity for a brighter future

The future of the world depends on our joint efforts today. Only through solidarity and collaboration, can we fully implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and create a brighter future for all of us. China has put forward the GDI, so that all countries, big or small, can play a part and fulfill the goal of "leaving no one behind".

Belarus was one of the first countries to support the GDI and is a member of the GDI Group of Friends. The country will actively participate in the eight key areas of cooperation under the GDI framework, and take part in the seven additional actions taken by the GDI Group of Friends to achieve the SDGs, and promote cooperation in such areas as poverty reduction, food production, clean energy, smart customs network and digital education. Belarus has unique development advantages in many fields, and strengthening cooperation with other countries will surely yield fruitful results. 

Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith: Striving to contribute to global development

Laos highly acclaims China's sustained efforts to achieve global common development by proposing the GDI and its leading role in promoting international cooperation.

As a landlocked developing country, Laos has benefited greatly from China's opening-up policies and a series of important initiatives. In particular, under the GDI and the BRI frameworks, the two countries have carried out extensive cooperation in such fields as poverty alleviation, infrastructure construction, food security, climate change response and green development, which has greatly promoted Laos' economic development.

In the future, Laos will adhere to the path of sustainable development, fully support the GDI, and is willing to work with other friendly countries and partners to make positive contributions to the cause of global development. We believe that through joint efforts, the GDI will achieve more practical results. 

Cuban Minister of Industry and representative of the rotating presidency of the Group of 77 Eloy Alvarez Martinez: Creating favorable conditions for improving global governance

The present world, especially developing countries, is suffering from severe challenges brought by such elements as frequent geopolitical crises and conflicts, rising food and energy prices, and climate change. The international community is in urgent need of effective cooperation to achieve the realization of the SDGs. China-proposed initiatives, such as the BRI and the GDI, have accommodated the needs of developing countries to the greatest extent possible and created favorable conditions for improving global governance. Cuba firmly supports the GDI, which responds to the international community's ardent concerns and urgent need for development, with particular focus on how to effectively address the specific difficulties of developing countries and promote the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

Cabinet member and Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahyan: Strengthening coordination and working together to address global challenges

The UAE attaches great importance to its relations with China, extending from the top government level to all civil sectors, and firmly pushes forward the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. China-proposed initiatives, including the GDI, strive to promote international solidarity and cooperation for common development, which demonstrates China’s responsibility as a major power. As the world is facing severe challenges, only by strengthening coordination can the international community find solutions to some global problems and advance global development and progress. 

Chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency Luo Zhaohui: China will always strive for the implementation of the GDI

The first high-level conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development yielded significant outcomes. It agreed to issue the Beijing Statement and announced the establishment of the "two pools", namely, the project pool and the funding pool. The Guidelines on the Global Development Project Pool and the Guidelines on Global Development Project Pool Financing were published at the conference. In addition, the CIDCA signed three financing cooperation agreements with the China Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of China, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), respectively. China also signed cooperation documents with the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and announced the establishment of the "Youth Leaders’ Community for Global Development ".

China is not only an advocate of the GDI, but also an active practitioner of development cooperation. China is ready to increase its resource input for global development cooperation, strive to bridge the North-South divide, and firmly supports other developing countries in their development. China will continue to take action and play a leading role in the joint efforts of all countries to achieve the implementation of the GDI and the realization of the SDGs. 

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