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CIDCA vice-chairman meets with UNESCO assistant director-general

CIDCA| Updated: 2023-02-15

Zhao Fengtao, vice-chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), met with Firmin Edouard Matoko, assistant director-general for Priority Africa and External Relations of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), on Feb 14, during his visit to France.


Zhao gave a detailed introduction of the Global Development Initiative (GDI), including its background, main contents and the CIDCA's role in implementing the initiative. He expressed the hope to deepen communication and cooperation with UNESCO under the GDI framework and to inject new momentum into achieving the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Matoko extended a warm welcome to Zhao on behalf of Audrey Azoulay, director-general of UNESCO, and said that UNESCO supports the GDI, looks forward to becoming a partner in its implementation, and wishes to strengthen cooperation with the CIDCA in areas such as priority Africa, gender equality, education and environmental protection.

The two sides held in-depth exchanges on strengthening policy communication and dialogues, the joint building of the home of young leaders for global development, and trilateral cooperation.


Yang Jin, permanent representative of China to UNESCO, and Xu Wei, director-general of the CIDCA's Department of International Cooperation, were present at the meeting.

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