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Remarks by Chairman Luo Zhaohui at the Forum of the Visit of Diplomatic Envoys in China to Yanqing

CIDCA| Updated: 2021-10-18

Remarks by Chairman Luo Zhaohui 

at the Forum of the Visit of Diplomatic Envoys in China to Yanqing

(October 16, 2021, Lipao Village, Badaling Town, Yanqing District)

Dear Excellencies and Madams, 

Mr. Yu Bo, mayor of Yanqing District,


On this beautiful late autumn day, my wife Dr. Jiang Yili and I, as well as my colleague Mr. Zhou Liujun, vice chairman of the CIDCA, welcome you to visit Yanqing and have a leisurely time. First, I would like to thank our hosts from Yanqing District, Badaling Town, and Lipao Village, and colleagues from the Foreign Office of Beijing, for their great efforts and thoughtful arrangements for this visit.


Advancing the rural revitalization strategy is not only the best way to reach common prosperity, but also a great contribution to global poverty reduction and human development. I have talked with present H.E. Mr. Jang Ha Sung, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, about China's "three rural issues", that is peasants, agriculture and rural areas, agricultural and rural issues. Historically, China has long valued agriculture and restrained commerce. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has once placed more emphasis on industrial development than on agricultural development. Agriculture beard the brunt of Reform and Opening up in 1978. Since then, the Chinese government has always attached great importance to the "three rural issues". The rural reform has gained brilliant achievements but the gap between rural and urban area still exists. China would not be truly revitalized without rural revitalization.

In this July, based on the responsibilities for foreign aid and its resources, CIDCA bonded with Yanqing as a chief partner of rural revitalization. In less than a month, we have made "1 plus 4 plus X" achievements as follows: 1 is the Memorandum of Intent Regarding Rural Revitalization Cooperation signed by the CIDCA and Yanqing. 4 is the Early Harvest in tourism, Juncao, Chinese herbal medicine and green food. "X" symbolizes more future cooperation intentions. 

The purpose of today's event is four "mores". First, to make more friends. I know that, the diplomats mainly live and work in big cities and have few opportunities to go countryside. One can't truly know China without gaining insight into China's rural issues. We would like to provide such an opportunity.

Second, to make Yanqing more popular. Yanqing hosted the International Horticultural Expo in 2019 and will host the Winter Olympics next year. The Great Wall is also the pride of Yanqing. We are ready to join hands with you to promote these three golden name cards to make the world learn more about Yanqing with more love.

Third, to share more experience. Yanqing is not only a symbol of China's new rural development, but also a miniature of China's rebirth after the burst of COVID-19. One could study the valuable experience of China's rejuvenation through Yanqing's development. We are willing to share these experience with all the developing countries without reservation. We want to ensure the development fruits benefiting more countries and people. We hope all of you could become bridges and bonds for promoting Yanqing's development experience. You could help your country and the world benefit from more and better Chinese approach.

Fourth, to mobilize more advantages. To carry out international exchanges, introduce international resources, and strengthen international cooperation, is Yanqing's road towards rural revitalization and prosperity. I hope all of you, especially the relevant international organizations, could play active role to leverage more development resources for Yanqing's rural revitalization. The more visitors, the more investment, the more delegations, the better.


Just now we visited the history exhibition. Later, Mr. Yu Bo, mayor of Yanqing and the head of Lipao village will introduce more information of the economic and social development of Yanqing. We will also visit the bonsai garden and Juncao demonstration site, pick apple and enjoy the green rural lunch. I wish you a happy weekend. Thank you.

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