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Video Message of Secretary General of Pacific Islands Forum for the Forum on the 20th Anniversary of Juncao Assistance and Sustainable Development Cooperation

Updated: 2021-09-03

Forum on the 20th Anniversary of Juncao Assistance and Sustainable Development Cooperation

(September 2, 2021)

Video Message of Henry Puna, Secretary General of Pacific Islands Forum 

His Excellency Mr. Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China

China's Minister of Foreign Affairs,Mr. Wang Yi

Director of China's International Development Cooperation Agency, Mr. Luo Zhaohui

Vice Governor of Fujian Province, Mrs. Guo Ningning

Distinguished guests

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Bula Vinaka and warm pacific greetings from Suva,Fiji. As Secretary General of the Pacific Island  Forum, I have the honor to address you today at this 20th China JUNCAO Aid Project and Sustainable Development International Cooperation Forum. At the outset, let me recognize our strong and long standing partnership with the People's Republic of China as a Forum dialogue partner and congratulate the government of China on the 20th anniversary of this Forum.


Pacific Island Forum leaders are squarely focused on tackling  these sustainable development challenges facing our region, so that all our people can live free, healthy and productive lives. As call for by Forum leaders,we are developing a 2050 strategy for the Blue Pacific continent, our collective Blueprint  to drive a sustainable and resilient future for our region. And in driving our region's future, we know that international partnerships, cooperation and technology are critical building blocks. Many of the challenges facing our region are transboundary, from COVID-19, climate change and the health of our ocean, and can only be dealt with through international cooperation. Moreover, development assistance and South-South cooperation with China  and all other development partners is critical  to road our industry, to connect us to market, and to boost health and education outcomes.


The COVID-19 pandemic has added a drastic social and economic impact, and  wiped out  decades of hard and development gains across our blue Pacific region. Recovering from the COVID-19  pandemic requires us to strengthen our cooperation and our innovation building back better and ensuring all recovery efforts at climate smart.


Let me congratulate the achievements of China's JUNCAO technology in assisting to eradicate poverty and to support sustainable development in over 100 countries including Pacific Island Forum members Fiji and Papua New Guinea. And enclosing, we look forward to further strengthening our cooperation with China on key initiatives such as this, in support of the sustainable and resilient development of our blue Pacific.

I thank you.

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