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CIDCA vice-chairman meets with deputy secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway

CIDCA| Updated: 2019-10-30

Zhang Maoyu, vice-chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), met with Hege Hertzberg, deputy secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, on Oct 25, 2019 for an exchange of views on strengthening mutual cooperation.


Zhang Maoyu, vice-chairman of the CIDCA (R), shakes hands with Hege Hertzberg, deputy secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. [photo/cidca.gov.cn]

Norway attaches great importance to cooperation with China in the field of international development. It hopes to exchange experiences and understandings, establish complementary advantages, explore project cooperation in food security, climate change and human resources development and jointly implement the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, said Hertzberg. 

Zhang said that China and Norway have broad prospects for pragmatic cooperation, and that China is willing to further strengthen exchanges in the field of international development with Norway, share experience on capacity building, supervision and evaluation, and explore tripartite cooperation in related fields to help other developing countries cope with challenges and promote global sustainable development.

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