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CIDCA vice-chairman visits Norway

CIDCA| Updated: 2019-06-24

Zhang Maoyu, vice-chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), led a delegation to Norway from June 19 to 20.

Zhang met with Norwegian Minister of International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein and Director-General of the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) Jon Karleiv Andreas Lomøy, and exchanged views with delegates of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norad.


Zhang Maoyu meets with Norwegian Minister of International Development Dag-Inge Ulstein. [photo/cidca.gov.cn]

Zhang said that Norway has provided assistance to developing countries for a long time and achieved positive results. Norway is an important participant in international development cooperation. China and Norway have many similarities in their goals, concepts and practices of foreign aid, and have great prospects for cooperation.

China is willing to strengthen exchanges with Norway, learn from each other's useful experiences, explore the feasibility of cooperation, and jointly promote the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, according to Zhang.

The Norwegian side warmly welcomed Zhang and appreciated China's achievements in poverty reduction and foreign aid, adding that the visit is of great significance to the cooperation between the two countries in the field of foreign aid.

The Norwegian side stated that China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs, especially in the field of development cooperation. Norway is willing to further strengthen international development cooperation with China in the fields of food security, climate change, marine development, protection of women and children's rights and interests, and renewable energy.


Zhang Maoyu meets with Director General of Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) Jon Karleiv Andreas Lomøy. [photo/cidca.gov.cn]

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