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CIDCA vice-chairman meets with WFP assistant executive director

CIDCA| Updated: 2019-05-18


Zhang Maoyu, vice-chairman of the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA), met with Ute Klamert, assistant executive director of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), on May 14, to exchange views on strengthening cooperation between the two sides.

Klamert congratulated Zhang on the first anniversary of the establishment of the CIDCA. He said that China has provided a large amount of food and material assistance to other developing countries for a long time, which has effectively promoted the goal of creating a "zero hunger" world, part of the UN sustainable development agenda. The WFP is willing to participate in the joint construction of the Belt and Road and deepen the cooperation between the two sides to jointly contribute to solving the problem of hunger and poverty worldwide.

Zhang said that the WFP has long been committed to solving global hunger and food security problems, and has a comprehensive global food procurement, warehousing and transportation system that can meet people's needs for food and other materials in vulnerable areas in a timely way and deal with emergency humanitarian crises.

China is willing to strengthen exchanges with the WFP, further enhance the scale, quality and effectiveness of cooperation, share China's poverty alleviation experience with the international community, and help other developing countries achieve the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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