Daxing calls on catering firms to stop wasting food, promote thrifty dining

Updated: 2020-08-26

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A hostess announces the 'Clear Your Plate' Campaign in Beijing's Daxing district on Aug 26. [Photo provided by Daxing district]


A catering provider representative records a fingerprint to make a commitment to refusing to waste food. [Photo provided by Daxing district]

Beijing's Daxing district launched a "Clear Your Plate" campaign on Aug 26 to encourage frugal food and beverage consumption.

Thirty catering provider representatives issued declarations of action on the launch, promising to eliminate waste and to play an exemplary role in creating healthy, civilized and thrifty dining environments.

To raise public awareness, the companies are called on to provide half-dishes or small-dishes according to consumers’ demands and guide diners to order moderately by incentives.

Meanwhile, they should offer serving chopsticks and spoons according to the number of diners and their dishes and promote the individual dining concept to protect public security.

Reminders about the program are required to be placed at tables and prominent locations in the restaurant.

In the long term, the firms are expected to enhance employee training and process management, optimize meal feeding methods, and fulfill social responsibilities.

The district will also give out a certain percentage of the five million catering consumption vouchers to reward customers who have participated in the campaign and are recognized by merchants.