Admissions and discharge
Process of hospitalizations for patients kept observation in emergency department
Patients kept observation in emergency department refer to those who need to be hospitalized according to their condition but there isn't any vacancy, or whose condition is unstable and needs further observation for a short time. They do not need to go through hospitalization procedures but shall pay the required fees at the toll office.
1. Nurse prepares the necessities for the patients after receiving notification from the outpatient and emergency doctor;
2. Nurse arranges bed for the patient, registers and notifies the doctor to examine the patient;
3. Nurse examines the patient's medical information and vital signs;
4. The patient or his/her family member shall pay the bill at the toll office and get the medicine after taking doctor's advice;
5. The patient or his/her family member takes the medicine and prescription (which is done in duplicate) to the nurse's station, after which the nurse will dispense liquid according to the prescription; patient shall keep all fee vouchers;
6. The procedure of getting medicine afterwards shall follow the process of the first time.
Discharge procedure for patients kept observation
1. The doctor on duty notifies the patient to leave the hospital, then gives advice according to the condition of recovery, and also gives the discharge order;
2. Patient or his/her family member goes to the pharmacy of the emergency department to collect medicine with a medical card;
3. Doctors or nurses shall give tips on health to the patients after discharge;
4. The patient is discharged from the hospital.
Services for inpatients
1. After the nurse receives the notification, she prepares the beds, supplies, and rescue for the critical or emergency patients if necessary;
2. The patient shall go to the inpatient department to go through the hospitalization formalities with the notice issued by the outpatient and emergency doctor;
3. The patient arrives at the reception with the completed notice of hospitalization, and the nurse at the reception sends the patient to the nurse station in the ward;
4. Nurses in nurse stations receive the patient, arrange beds, escort the patient to his/her bed, then immediately inform the doctors;
5. Nurse examines the patient's medical information and vital signs, then announces the "Notice for Inpatients" to patient and his/her family in the ward;
6. The patient is not allowed to leave hospital during the hospitalization.
Discharge procedures for inpatients
1. The doctor in charge issues a doctor's order. The nurse handles it and approves the accounts during hospitalization, then signs on the discharge notice;
2. The nurse responsible for the patient shall give the notice and prescription to the patient or his/her family, and offers guidance on discharge;
3. The patient's family member returns the hospital gown, vacuum bottle, notice for discharge, prescription, deposit to the receptionist, makes payments for the medicine to the outpatient pharmacy, goes through discharge procedures at the inpatient department, prints out the list of hospitalization, and gets the medicine at the outpatient pharmacy;
4. Family member goes back to the ward with discharge certificate. Nurse responsible for the patient sends them out of the ward.