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Wuxi delegates join Jiangsu's group discussion during 20th CPC National Congress

(en.wuxi.gov.cn)Updated: 2022-10-18


Jiangsu delegates to the 20th CPC National Congress discuss the report made at the opening of the congress on Oct 17. [Photo/Wuxi Daily]

Delegates to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China from Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu province, participated in a group discussion with other delegates from the province on Oct 17.

Du Xiaogang, Party secretary of Wuxi, hailed the report delivered at the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress, saying it plays a guiding role in carrying forward the cause of the nation and forging ahead into the future.

Counting the work done over the past five years and the great changes over the past decade since the 18th CPC National Congress in Wuxi as remarkable, Du said that the city has been striding forward in the development of a modern society.

Wuxi will promote high-quality development, use science and education, talent, and innovation as economic drivers, and focus on common prosperity, green development, and cultural confidence and strength so as to contribute to the building of a modern socialist country and national rejuvenation, according to the Party secretary.


A photo exhibition themed on Wuxi is set up during the 20th CPC National Congress. [Photo/Wuxi Daily]

Xu Feng, Party secretary of Jiangyin, a county-level city in Wuxi, noted that the report reflects the will of the whole Party and the hopes of the people.

As a grass-root official, Xu has personal experience in the work carried out over the past five years and the great changes in the first decade of the new era in Jiangyin.

He said that over the next few years, Jiangyin will continue adhering to innovation-driven development, urban-rural coordinated development, green transformation, and opening up.

Zhou Haijiang, board chairman of Wuxi-based Hodo Group, believes that the 20th CPC National Congress is a landmark conference.

As a business delegate, Zhou is particularly interested in the corporate system under socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

The report proposes improving the modern corporate system with Chinese characteristics, indicating that the central government will focus on perfecting the modern corporate system with Chinese characteristics, said the entrepreneur.

He added that it shows the proper development model for enterprises in China.

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